Procter & Gamble (P&G)

Instrumentation Engineer Intern

January 2023 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I like the company culture at P&G. They provide real time and investments into their interns by giving them meaningful projects. My department, instrumentation, means implementing measurement systems on production lines to improve PR and quality. I have worked on solving defects for lubrication strips, measuring the angles of sharpened blades, re-programming data acquisition cards, and more. My work is meaningful to company and I feel accomplished for what I have completed thus far on my projects.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to explore other aspects of the company more. I am in Process and Engineering and interact with a variety of roles, but I did not get the chance to work with the sustainability team or some of the design teams. I also wish I did shadow shifts, which means shadowing someone for a day to see the work they interact with and what their day-to-day work looks life. This would help with determining your next internship or role.


I would advise anyone to take advantage of the resources this company has to offer. There is so much knowledge in this building and people with years and years of experience. Ask plenty of question regarding technical work, and non-technical work. There is a lot to learn and this company has all of the qualifications to help you get there, you just need to reach out!
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R&D Intern, Digital Innovation and Data Analytics

May - August 2022 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

Everyone was very supportive and was willing to meet with me and answer my questions, whether it be technical or business. Interns are paired with a Manager and Daily Coach who continuously supported me throughout the internship and provided meaningful feedback that helped me grow. Tremendous opportunities to engage with people outside my direct team to deliver on my project. Many networking opportunities and affinity groups to meet with people in different functions. Projects are challenging and meaningful!

What I wish was different


Connect and reach out to people throughout your internship; ask a ton of questions and learn!
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Product Supply Intern

June - August 2022 • Cape Girardeau, MO

What I liked

I loved the amount of responsibility they give you. You truly feel like you own your projects and you can make an impact without jumping through hoops and getting direct approval with every decision.

What I wish was different


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Chemical Engineer

May - August 2021 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

The environment was very friendly.

What I wish was different

I wish that there would be training sessions prior to beginning of the work


Always ask for help, and always try your best before leaving the office
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R&D Engineering Intern

May - August 2022 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I loved how hands-on this internship was- I got to take FULL ownership of my project from day 1! They really empowered me to use my voice and expertise.

What I wish was different

I wish they provided more money for a housing stipend- I got some money that was a 2-week salary worth for housing and relocation but some of my other friend's companies paid for their entire housing etc.


If you communicate what role you want to be in here, they WILL listen. They're big on return offers if you perform well, and they WANT to invest in you and your future and happiness. I loved how everyone was friends and hung out genuinely after work. They treated us super nice, especially during my second internship- lots of events to talk to new hires and get their perspective. I also LOVED the affinity networks they provided so much mentorship and support (networks for different groups such as Hispanic, LGBT etc).
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Skin Care Making Intern

May - August 2022 • Greensboro, NC

What I liked

The support you get as an intern. From your direct manager to the people in the department, to even the plant leadership, and plant manager. Everyone is happy to help and give you insights for projects, company questions, and location. They also made us have activities outside work hours to increase our network with our colleagues.

What I wish was different


Understand time-management and to prioritize different tasks. In a plant environment, it is very important to dedicate a large portion of your time to spending time on the floor and talking to operators. At the same time, you have to learn how to prioritize daily tasks.
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Engineering Co-op

May - August 2022 • Lima, OH

What I liked

From the very first day, I felt like I was given work that really made an impact rather than just busy work. Everyone I worked with was so willing to answer all my questions and help me in whatever way that they could. I learned a lot from this internship and the people that I worked with. I really liked the meaningful work I was given and how welcoming everyone was from the very first day.

What I wish was different

This was my first internship with Procter & Gamble and it exceeded the expectations I had going in. I had never worked in the plant environment before, so I went in with very limited knowledge. After spending 12 weeks working here, I definitely learned a lot of new things and had many great experiences. I wasn't the most excited about living in Lima, OH at first, but there were many events throughout the course of the summer to keep you busy!


One piece of advice I would share about this experience is to ask a lot of questions. Everyone is very understanding that you might not have a lot of knowledge and experience, so ask as many questions as you can. There are so many people who are willing to help you, so network with these people and use their help in whatever way you can. Go out of your way to connect with people and take any feedback that is given to you throughout your experience. Everyone you work with here wants you to succeed, so use their help.
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R&D engineering intern

May - August 2021 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

Ownership over project, work provided value to the business. Everyone was eager to help you grow.

What I wish was different



Ask questions and connect with people across the organization.
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Human Resources Intern

May - August 2021 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

They have a very healthy and inviting company culture.

What I wish was different


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Financial Analyst Intern

July - September 2021 • Istanbul, Turkey

What I liked

The "Day 1" mentality of P&G was very evident; I was given responsibility and autonomy over my projects starting from the first day. I was allowed to make my own calendar, alter project timelines and arrange one on one meetings with executives in the finance and accounting department. In fact, arranging one on one meetings was part of the mandatory goals of my internship and they were a huge help in breaking down barriers with executives and voicing my opinions and questions - both personal and professional - freely.

What I wish was different

The online format was a challenge for me and I found it very difficult to engage with my work during the first week or so. All of our training took place online as well and was squeezed into less than two days. As I was required to use new software and learn to navigate historical financial reports the material was a lot to digest at once and I certainly wish the training could have been more spaced out.


The company truly cares about making this an educational experience for you and is very willing to work with you so the internship is serving both your goals and theirs. I had a detailed meeting with my supervisor about the goals and expectations for my project before we began and had many opportunities to express my input. Don't be afraid to ask questions or make alterations if the project does not seem like a good fit. Being dynamic is one of P&G's strongest qualities and if you speak up they can move you around or switch up your projects to create the most fruitful experience for all.
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Industrial Design Intern

May - August 2021 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked


What I wish was different



work hard
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Consumer solutions intern

June - August 2021 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I liked the growth mindset of the internship and how they treated it as a learning experience.

What I wish was different


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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2021 • Inwood, WV

What I liked

P&G Gives real projects that actually have meaning to the business need and company. It was a really helpful experience.

What I wish was different


Make sure that you ask questions and use every opportunity to learn. Feedback is such a gift whether negative or positive.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

June - August 2020 • Mehoopany, PA

What I liked

The company gave me real projects that benefitted the plant. I was making a real difference.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to see more areas of the company but was unable to due to COVID.


Don’t be afraid to contribute your own ideas from the start.
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Research and Development Engineer Intern

May - August 2021 • Mason, OH

What I liked

The internship experience at P&G was unlike any other. Even with the challenges of COVID, they were able to accommodate us interns in person and still provide a network to make it feel welcoming. You are paired with a daily coach who can help you with anything related to your project and understanding company culture, and the internship team there is always available for any questions. They always say the best part about P&G are the people and that is the truth. There are also many different organizations focusing on diversity and inclusion. One of the best companies to intern for

What I wish was different

There is almost nothing I would change about the experience. Everything went very smoothly and was super organized that your only worry is trying to see if that job would be a fit for you full time!


Take advantage of the network there! Get to know everyone you can, ask as many questions as you can and also learn about the other business units outside of the one you are assigned. If you are hoping to return full time, definitely ask the recent hires and other full times about their experience and see if it would be a good fit for you
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Consumer & Market Knowledge

May - August 2020 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

Brand name and great-sounding projects. Leveraged it for a significantly better-paying full-time job. Don't take return offer if you don't want to work for the same company until retirement.

What I wish was different

Maybe this was because of COVID remote working but it was a bad internship overall. The manager I was assigned to was too busy to manage an intern and so he relegated it to his subordinate (same thing happened to a few other people in my cohort.) Basically, his subordinate gave me directions but I got the blame when the subordinate misunderstood my manager's direction. There were a lot of redundancy across the organization due to too many people and lack of clarity. Many people worked on the same aspect of a project and I saw many overlapping decks in the archive. I learned nothing as they were not well-prepared for a remote internship. Their paying practice explicitly takes seniority into account for promotion and salary increase.


Leverage the brand name and the projects for a better paying opportunity. I did that and got a six-figure position rather than $75k in a tier-3(Cinncinati) city at P&G
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Consumer and Market Analyst Intern

May - August 2020 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I really enjoyed the structure of the internship program. I was given a manager, mentor, and coach. We also had weekly training sessions to improve our skills and learn how to use different softwares and programs. We also had access to company affinity groups which was amazing. The projects throughout the internship were also realistic and had an impact on the team since they were aligned with their quarterly goals.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have had more time to work on my final project because it was all new to me, but I had only a few weeks to work on it.


Make sure to network with as many people as possible. Ask questions. Work hard. Learn as much as you can!
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2020 • Mehoopany, PA

What I liked

This is a great comprehensive internship. Support was provided for interns from everyone you work with. Everyone I met was very willing to help since they are all familiar with the internship program. I also had a personal coach who helped to guide me and who I shared an office with and got the chance to touch base with and ask for advice on a daily basis. Outside of work, they provided housing for all the interns in one convenient location. This was great for getting to know the other interns and having a support group to go to and ask questions. P&G also organized great programs like kayaking trips, hiking trips, flag football games, and bonfires for everyone at the plant so that there was ample opportunities to get to know people around the plant and get a feel for the town and the culture.

What I wish was different

Honestly can't think of a single area where they were lacking. They have been running this internship program successfully for so long, by now they have ironed out all the kinks and thought of everything.


Make sure you take advantage of everything the internship has to offer. Talk to everyone, meet everyone you can, go to all the events. Soak it all in!
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Product Supply

May - August 2020 • Boston, MA

What I liked

It was a great experience, people were so nice

What I wish was different

It was virtual can't wait for in-person


ask a lot of questions
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Manufacturing Intern

May - July 2020 • Lima, OH

What I liked

I enjoyed the character of the people at the plant I worked at. Everyone I met was incredibly helpful and friendly. I also was in charge of four projects over the course of the summer. I had a ton of responsibility that was making a difference on the manufacturing floor. I was able to make lifelong connections and friends through the mentorship program and connecting with other interns.

What I wish was different

I worked during the pandemic with COVID-19 being a prevalent concern the entire summer. I do wish that it was not an issue, but I definitely feel that I had an extremely beneficial experience. Even with the pandemic, I felt comfortable going to work every day and interacting with coworkers.


I really enjoyed my internship because it gave me a new view on engineering and how my classes related to real world problems. My advice would be to any student offered an internship to make as many connections as possible. Reach out to people you don't know in other departments and try to get a feel for the personality of your coworkers. My connections help me land my dream location with the company for the next summer.
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